carbon credits

carbon credits

Carbon Credits & Rewilding

Invest in nature to aid climate recovery

Here at Wild Gaia, we aim to offer businesses, the opportunity to invest directly in unique, Irish-based climate recovery initiatives delivering long-term verifiable outcomes. A rewilding initiative close to where your business is based and with which you can be directly connected, and will help demonstrate your progressive pro-climate outlook; as well as delivering sustainable financial returns and vital benefits for all.


“Investing in a Wild Gaia rewilding project is one of the best ways of tackling the climate and biodiversity crises, which will also contribute to the restoration of the Irish landscape in a positive and sustainable way. Wild Gaia is committed to making rewilding in Ireland worthy of investment. Let’s make investment in nature normal for all businesses large and small and provide tangible benefits for local communities along the way.”

Cormac Loughran
Director of Conservation

carbon credits


Act Local 

Ireland is home to a huge number of tech giants and internet companies; it is also one of the most nature depleted areas of Europe. Here at Wild Gaia, we feel that as Ireland is the place where the impacts of tech infrastructure (including data centres) are concentrated, it should also be where nature-based carbon investment and biodiversity off-setting should also be (proportionally) concentrated.

Today there is an urgent need to scale up nature restoration in Ireland to address the climate emergency and biodiversity crisis; as well as the related issue of water quality in our rivers, loughs and coastal waters.

There is also a growing recognition that rewilding is one of the best ways of delivering environmental improvements, in a way that benefits biodiversity, climate and communities at the same time. This is leading to significant and growing demand in the private sector for investment opportunities that deliver these ecological & environmental benefits.

Restoring Nature In Ireland

act locally to protect the biosphere

Nature Restoration

Our rewilding projects are implemented on land specifically leased or purchased for the purpose of rewilding. Our goal is to manage areas (both large and small) of ecologically degraded land and other landscapes, throughout Ireland in a way that promotes healthy natural processes and biodiversity restoration. The rewilding of depleted ecosystems leads to improved soil function, carbon capture, water purification, and potentially a reduction in flooding and also helps to purify our air

Climate positive investments

Wild Gaia aims to enable nature recovery (both large and small scale) in Ireland by demonstrating that rewilding initiatives can generate new and significant value for local people, landowners and investors, as well as visitors to our Island.

In collaboration with local landowners and with funding from local business partners (and our subscribers), Wild Gaia aims to significantly upscale investment in rewilding, and carbon offsetting in Ireland. All our projects and initiatives will use the Carbon Credit Quality Initiative (CCQI) to ensure transparent scores for Carbon Credit Quality. In addition, all Carbon Investors based in Ireland (and elsewhere) will be encouraged to visit project sites to see our rewilding initiatives in person for themselves.

Here at Wild Gaia, we aim to improve the commercial viability of rewilding initiatives by selling nature-based carbon credits directly to the market.  These credits will differ from more conventional carbon credits in that they will facilitate the direct restoration of Irish landscapes in accordance with Rewilding Principles – thereby enhancing biodiversity and carbon capture, and providing a host of other environmental benefits for people, including clean water, fresh air, and flourishing nature-based local economies. This will also include opportunities for sustainable tourism initiatives, further enhancing the local environment and rural communities.

Climate Positive Investments

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