Restoration Projects In Ireland

Community Plant A Tree Project

plant a tree project

Project status: In Progress

We understand the importance of every single tree and we offer everyone a chance to create real, palpable change in the green landscapes of Ireland.

Giant bird table

giant bird table

Project status: In Progress

This project proposes to transform 1 acre of former cattle pasture/arable cropland into a giant bird table, providing crucial food and shelter for declining wild bird species.

Miyawaki mini-forests

miyawaki miniforests

Project status: In Progress

Reforestation via the establishment of Miyawaki mini-forests brings numerous advantages to communities.

Belfast Kingfishers Project

belfast kingfishers project

Project status: In Planning

We will undertake updated habitat and Kingfisher surveys along the River Lagan, its tributaries and other wetland sites across the Greater Belfast area to identify key nesting and foraging areas as well as to identify and map potential constraints to the current Kingfisher population. Potential safeguarding and enhancement measures will also be identified.

The Pine Marten Recovery Project

the pine marten recovery project

Project status: In Planning

To further facilitate pine marten recovery (and subsequently aid in red squirrel recovery alongside it) Wild Gaia is proposing to install a number of artificial den boxes across suitable woodland areas in Ireland, in particular where pine marten have already been recorded.

Rare Irish Trees Project

rare irish trees project

Project status: In Progress

We propose to undertake survey works in order to ascertain the current status and distribution of these rare tree species in Ireland.

Large-scale Arable Rewilding Project

large scale arable rewilding project

Project status: In Planning

We propose to partner with Industry to buy, lease or manage a large area of agricultural land in order to reverse ecological degradation and recover biodiversity

Irish Dormouse Monitoring Project

irish dormouse monitoring project

Project status: In Planning

We propose to undertake further survey works in order to ascertain the current status and distribution of this species in Ireland. 

Pingo (& Ghost) Pond Project

pingo pond project

Project status: In Planning

We plan to work with landowners across Ireland to identify and restore a number of pingo/ghost ponds

Cuckoos in the East

cuckoos in the east

Project status: In Planning

Catch and satellite tag 5 cuckoos from different mountain ranges/bogs (east of the River Shannon) and compare their migration routes

Life on the Edge – Conserving Arctic-alpine plants in Ireland

life on the edge

Project status: In Progress

Researching the community of Arctic-alpine plant species at Binevenagh Special Area of Conservation / Area of Special Scientific Interest

Nightjar Restoration Project

nightjar restoration project

Project status: In Planning

If we receive enough funding, Wild Gaia can begin the exciting process of reinforcing and restoring this remarkable bird back into Ireland

the nesting platform project

the nesting platform project

Project status: In Planning

We propose to work alongside local wildlife group to erect nest boxes for the above listed species in Co. Fermanagh, around Lough Neagh and along the River Shannon.

the grey partridge recovery project

the grey partridge recovery project

Project status: In Planning

Wild Gaia has purchased a 20-acre plot of arable land. This plot will be ploughed, tilled and prepared in order to grow spring cereals for both the grey partridge project and as a winter feed crop for wild birds.

The Thorny Scrub Project

the thorny scrub project

Project status: In Progress

Wild Gaia plans to purchase small plots of land (minimum 1 hectare (2.5 acres)). These plots can be on any marginal upland site across the Irish countryside.

The Return of the Grey Ghost

return of the grey ghost

Project status: In Planning

Our hope is to kick start this project through undertaking a detailed feasibility study which will examine the potential pros and cons of re-introducing this iconic Irish raptor, an important element of which will be engaging directly with key stakeholders from a variety of sectors across Ireland. 

Rewilding the Kingdom of Mourne

mourne wildlands

Project status: In Planning

This project aims to buy, lease or manage large areas of ecologically degraded (farm)land across Ireland (and eventually the wider European landmass) in order to restore biodiversity and bio-abundance by reinstating natural processes. 

The Barony Orchard Project - Castlemahon Farm

castlemahon farm

Project status: In Progress

The plan for Castlemahon is to convert the farm to an organic orchard over 3 to 5 years. Starting with the most improved fields first. The change of land-use to an organic orchard will allow soil health to improve and increase biodiversity; while also allowing a biodiversity audit to take place.

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