We propose to undertake survey works in order to ascertain the current status and distribution of these rare tree species in Ireland.
We have partnered with a number of conservation NGO’s, to survey for and, where required, collect under licence seed material and/or cuttings to allow a variety of populations of these species to be successfully propagated. In the case of the very rare Tea-leaved Willow which is restricted to a very small area of Ireland, such propagation is critical to safeguarding the genetics and local provenance of this species which is geographically isolated from its nearest neighbours in Scotland and northern England where it is much more abundant.
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Most people are familiar with tree species such as Oak, Hazel, Hawthorn and Holly but few are aware that Ireland also hosts a range of rare and localised tree species, some of which are found nowhere else on the Planet. These include:
- Alder Buckthorn
- Purging Buckthorn
- Juniper
- Irish Whitebeam
- Rock Whitebeam
- Dwarf Willow
- Dark-leaved Willow and
- Tea-leaved Willow
A combination of habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, climate change, having an unusual ecology and in some cases also being quite fussy about where they grow limits these tree species to particular parts of Ireland or, if they are more widespread, to small and isolated populations. This makes them very vulnerable to local or regional extinction.
Once propagated in sufficient quantity, the next phase is to plant these trees at carefully selected locations to bolster existing populations.
brian sutton
Senior Ecologist
catriona porter
karl hamilton
Raptor Ecologist
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