The Wild Gaia Team

the Team at Wild Gaia
cormac loughran

cormac loughran


Cormac is the founder and CEO of Wild Gaia and has worked in ecological consultancy since 2004 and for several years prior to this worked in nature conservation management through a number of NGOs, including The National Trust. He has an MSc in Environmental Management and 19 years consultancy experience (as well as 10-years practical experience in habitat & wildlife management). Cormac has extensive experience in flora and fauna field surveys and delivered innumerable associated reports. He is a Chartered Environmentalist and a full member of CIEEM since 2009.

Cormac is an avid hiker, wildlife watcher and gardener. Having been fascinated with wildlife since catching his first tadpoles in the local pond. Cormac likes his days to be steeped in the outdoors, and always tries to find jobs that keep him outside, no matter the weather.

Is happiest when

A) searching for bees in the apple blossoms,
B) jumping into cold water or
C) hiking anywhere in Iberia (or Ireland of course).

Is unhappiest when
D) sitting at a desk whenever the sun is shining outside.

Read a message from Cormac

cormac loughran

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