The Wild Gaia Team

the Team at Wild Gaia
jazmin creaney

jazmin creaney


Jazmin has a BSc in Zoology. She has undertaken further courses including Animal Conservation, GIS and Environmental Management. She has a range of experience in conducting field surveys both locally, with organisations including BTO, The National Trust and TetraTech, and abroad, through her time monitoring elephant behaviour and habitat damage in South Africa. Since joining Blackstaff Ecology in 2021, Jazmin has been involved in sma ll- and large-scale projects throughout NI and the ROI and has gained significant ecological experience in a wide variety of surveys including; mammal, reptile, amphibian, avian and habitat based.

Following her ambitious goals of growing up to be national treasure David Attenborough, Jazmin has found her slightly more realistic niche in Ecology. She enjoys the massive satisfaction of tracking down a badger sett from field signs alone and boring everyone around her with bird identifications they most certainly didn’t ask for. Outside work you can find her on walks with her large, idiot dog and undertaking far too many sports for her very limited free time to allow. She has developed her skills in a varied range of protected species surveys and holds qualifying CIEEM membership.

jazmin creaney

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