Project status: In Progress
We understand the importance of every single tree and we offer everyone a chance to create real, palpable change in the green landscapes of Ireland.
Project status: In Progress
This project proposes to transform 1 acre of former cattle pasture/arable cropland into a giant bird table, providing crucial food and shelter for declining wild bird species.
Project status: In Progress
Reforestation via the establishment of Miyawaki mini-forests brings numerous advantages to communities.
Project status: In Planning
We will undertake updated habitat and Kingfisher surveys along the River Lagan, its tributaries and other wetland sites across the Greater Belfast area to identify key nesting and foraging areas as well as to identify and map potential constraints to the current Kingfisher population. Potential safeguarding and enhancement measures will also be identified.
Project status: In Planning
To further facilitate pine marten recovery (and subsequently aid in red squirrel recovery alongside it) Wild Gaia is proposing to install a number of artificial den boxes across suitable woodland areas in Ireland, in particular where pine marten have already been recorded.
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